Tag: love

Impossibility as normalcy

Reading Time: 8 minutes

September 14th.

I left Manila on the 25th — not even a month in and I’m waiting for routine to kick in. Walking to Walgreens alone at 4am looking for potassium supplements, making the walk from Chapel to Hillhouse and sitting in the Department of Computer Science waiting rooms — lifechanging if anyone says hello, drinking beer cans alone in my room.

The Yale undergraduate enrollment nears 6,000 people and I feel like I know about 30 faces.


reasons why i have begun to let the sun set

Reading Time: 21 minutesI’ve always clouded my thoughts. I drown them in verbose descriptions of pedantic moments and scenarios. Little murmurs in time that mean nothing to be but late-night visions and blurs that make me shudder in fear for what I had left behind.

Every thought here existed in time, even for just a moment. I relay my fears onto drunken rants with the computer screen rather than eye-to-eye. That’s how I was raised, after all. A child of blinking lights and the whirring of fan blades.

I. Love is a fucking farce.

And I am endlessly contriving new reasons as to why it is.



Reading Time: 9 minutesIn the religion of my own we dance under the moonlight,
the hymns and prayers flooding the hallways like our voices
were beckoning the words of god.
