Clouds and Projects

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A quick update.  In all honesty; I haven’t done as much this summer as I would have liked. I got into a lot of new things, and most especially started diving in (for the very first time) and indulging myself on an instrument that I have always wanted to play. Additionally, the threat of university and the future and all that has been creeping up on me; as in totality — it truly decides where I am headed. With the time of a little less than three weeks before an intensive junior year starts; I figured that I should start doing (and actually completing) some projects that I’ve started in the past and doing some things that are actually beneficial and of use – things that could mean a lot to where I am going, my goals, and the like.

So with the spirit of creativity in mind, why not start things that could fuel my productivity and give me a financial headstart, whether it’s to accumulate funds for my future (student loans student loans student loans x1000) or to keep up with my creative endeavors (paying for hosting for this site in itself is already quite a decent amount) so that I wouldn’t have to further my burdens to everyone around me!

I will probably be changing around the look of the site’s main page (again) and actually updating my projects and whatnot; and of course working on them to… actually be able to update them. Most importantly, I will attempt; to the best of my ability — to continue freelance work for actual currency, instead of just… virtual ones. Of course I doubt this would actually attract anyone but it would serve as a good way to build up things for my portfolio (?) if ever. Nevertheless, I have lots of plans and ideas that are just waiting to be put into action, whether asked for or actually wanted or not, and the latter is usually the case! In the end of all things, creating and making is something that I will always have an urge to do; there’s really no stopping me — and I will solemnly do my best to do all that I can this time, genuinely. So I can show something, and be something. 

To the ever-so-slightly more exciting aspect of it all, I am running a shop along with my friends that is to open soon. I really hope that this turns out great, and I have high hopes for it; though I won’t say much about it yet. Here are some experimental logos, with the left made through an utterly complex process that involved downloading a png of a cloud and pasting it on a solid color, while the right is a much more simple yet ‘originally made’ take.


Instagram: kumoph

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